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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Huishui Streets

A couple days ago I found myself being overly lazy, so I decided to head into Huishui and take a couple pictures.
 I got into Huishui at the time the local schools let out for lunch. I saw these two friends come out of a little corner shop. What was really interesting was the conversation they were having. One boy has his arm around the other, and they seem to be engaged in a really deep, intense conversation.
 I went to see the corner shop the little boys came out of. It was a store that sold a type of dumpling soup. I figured I would try it out. The dumplings are made on order. This is the shopkeeper. She makes the dumplings infront of your table so you can see. It is nice that the dumplings are fresh, but the speed in which she makes them is just incredible. I timed her to see how many she could do in 10 seconds, it came out to be just about 15.
 This little girl and her father came in near the end of my meal. I tried to get a picture of the girl picking her nose, but instead I got the aftermath of the picked nose. She had already put her finger in her mouth.
Right before I left I saw these two little ones come through. Despite China's "One Baby" law, I think these two might be siblings. I actually see a lot of families with more than one child around here. Even though they could be siblings, I like to imagine this as a really crappy date.


  1. Love the last picture, Josh. Crappy date. Hahahahaha!

  2. I love the innocence you capture in these pictures. You have a special talent my friend.

  3. You have such a great eye for awesome photos!
